One-stop AMR Solution

Ignition Innovation provides one-stop AMR solution from hardware to software.

Flexible Modules Integration

Wide variety of components could be recommended and adopted according to clients' needs.

Powerful AMR Fleet Manager

Real-time visualization and monitoring all AMRs on-site and define missions for each robot and schedule them.

Auto makes


On-site ready autonomous construction robot,
invented to avocate  the application of intelligent technology in construction industry

Manage your fleets anywhere

Rfleet Manager is a powerful multi-AMR management system which allow workers to remote-control the robots on-site. You are able to control numberous cross-brand chassis at the same time..

Learn more

How to get your own Ignitor-CR?


Send us your requipments and we will help you to find out the best combination of parts


Meet together and discuss about the selection of parts and the developement of applications 


We will work very hard and make your robot perfect.


Done! Your robot will send to your ASAP. Let us know how the robot contribute to your work.

Better Quality of work

Our product provides AMRs solution with better working quality and consistency.

Better Manpower Allocation

Shortage of workers are always a issue different industries and our products provide the althernative.

Better Protection from Dangerous

Our product could help human keeps away from risk of injury and even death when working.

Better Life Experience

We hope that our products could bring convenience and comfort to your life.